Competition – Biodiversity

What are the Biodiversity strengths of your local housing estate/neighbourhood?

Send a short description of your area to by Wednesday, 28th August 2024. The below headings will aid your description:


• Do you have woodland and hedgerows of native species are in your area?
• Do you have undisturbed areas of grassland left to nature?
• Do you have wildflower meadows or “Don’t Mow Let it Grow” areas where wildflower meadows are allowed to develop?
• Do you have Freshwater habitats – ponds, streams/burns? These freshwater habitats can be biodiversity hotspots.


• Tell us if wild species such as bats, hedgehogs, foxes, badgers, swifts etc. live in or visit your neighbourhood.


Do you have many species of bees, hoverflies, other insects and creatures?

See Ireland’s Pollinator Plan here

Perhaps there are other items you would like to tell us about? Reducing the use of chemicals? Using peat free compost?

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