Every Sunday from Spring to Autumn, a group of volunteers meets up at Market Square, to be assigned an area to do a litter pick by Neil, the coordinator. Neil also provides gloves, bags and grabbers to those who need them. Most people will pick for an hour or so, and can either deposit any bags filled at the depot, or can let Neil know where they were left, in which case they will be collected.

A group of volunteers meet up during level 3 Covid restrictions
Pickers usually work in groups of 2, one on each side of the road, so social distancing is not an issue. As of the end of 2020, there are around 25 regular pickers. Some come every week, others come less often, and it is totally up to the individual as to how often they wish to participate, even if it’s just once a year. The group are very friendly, and there is absolutely no pressure to turn up on a given week.
Neil keeps a list of areas to be picked. Volunteers typically choose a ‘patch’ which they then do regularly, and any newcomers will be advised on where best to go, or can pick their own area if preferred. The map below shows the areas we cover. If you would like to join us, please email us your phone number at lktidy@gmail.com, and if there’s a particular area you would like to cover, please let us know that as well.
Key to map.
1A Tesco to Poll Star roundabout.
1B Tesco to Station House Hotel.
1C Tesco to Hospital Roundabout.
2. Charlie’s Cafe car park to Dominoes.
3. Poll Star to Dry Arch Roundabout.
4A Poll Star to Arena 7 (Ballyraine).
4B Poll Star to Century Cinema.
5. Thorn Road to Elmwood Downs Kube Car Park.
6. Old Aldi to Kiltoy Roundabout via Gortlee Hill.
7. Kiltoy Roundabout to R245 (Ramelton Road) via Kiltoy Hill.
8. R245 (Ramelton Road) Golf Course junction to Arena 7 Roundabout.
9. Lisnennan / Woodlands boundary to Educate Together school.
10. Hospital Roundabout to Optum Roundabout.
11. Optum Roundabout to Thornberry (shops).
12. Mountain Top Roundabout to Thornberry (shops).
13. Long Lane.
14. Glencar (College Road) to Hospital Roundabout via Circular Road.
15. College Road past St Eunan’s School to Tin Tai.
16. New Line Road and Ard O’Donnell.
17. Tin Tai to Ballymacool Park.
18. Ballymacool Park to Conwal Graveyard.
19. Conwal Graveyard to Larkins / New Mills.
20. Lismonaghan Hill to Corner House.
21. Leck Graveyard to Old Town Roundabout.
Please note that these are just the areas covered by our Sunday volunteers, there are other areas of Letterkenny which are regularly picked, such as Killylastin/Solomon’s Hill, and if there is an area which you feel needs attention, please let us know by emailing us HERE.